Getting Started

If you got to this page, then you are probably the type of person who likes to be prepared before starting something. This guide will help you through this quick process.

Completing your FindYourBashert Profile:

Some important points to keep in mind as you fill out this profile.

  • The more forthcoming your answers, the better we can match you. And of course, we pledge to uphold your confidentiality. All FindYourBashert shadchanim are trustworthy, and the computer system is very secure.
  • Most questions are pretty basic. Please re-read to see that there are no typos.
  • There are a few questions that are check boxes. Check those that best match who you really are. At the end of profile, you will have the opportunity to describe yourself and share whatever it is that you'd like us to know about you.
  • In order to move to the next page, you must first complete all the questions on that page. Plan to have enough time. You will have the ability to edit your answers at any time.
  • Please upload a picture or two. Having a picture on file helps us place a face to a name to a profile. We pledge that we will not share the photo without your express permission.

What happens next?

Once your profile is completed, we will call a reference you provided.

Then, we will schedule a one on one consult so we can get to know you better. During this conversation, you can clarify anything you wrote in the profile. We will send you an email about how to best prepare for the conversation so we can maximize our time together.

And after that?

Your FindYourBashert shadchan will begin searching for a match for you. You should hear from FindYourBashert very soon after your consult.